Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Going to the Movies to watch Iron Man 2 (Final)

Ok you all know the movie Iron Man 2? Right. Well I hope so, because I am going to tell you how the movie was when I saw it. Ok here I go. LOL. I arrive at the movie theater with my sister, mom, and dad and we go to the Flagship Cinema. Well we get our tickets and then we wait until we go in. So my sister and I get so excited to see it because Iron Man is amazing and super cool. We finally go in and we take our seats. Well at first it wasn't really all that fun because they kept giving previews of the other movies, which was not all that bad, ok so finally it turns 10:00 p.m. and the movie starts. The movie was about Iron Man that he is about to die so he trys to stay a live so he trys having the best time of his life. YAY. but no. Well his assitent does not know this is happening to him but the truth is that she likes him. P.s Dnt tell Iron MAN!! Lol. HAHAHA. Well then there is this evil person that trys to destroy Iron Man. NOO!! Right. yea i know. Well both Iron Man and the evil person start fighting but this time the evil person gots some back up. And Iron Man has his new Partner in Crime. Well guess who wins IRON MAN AND HIS PARTNER IN CRIME. Yay . Well that is a little bit about the movie if you wana know more then just go and watch the movie. Oh yeah I almost forgot Iron Man ends up with the his assistent. Yay . :)

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