Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Mustang (Final)

Ok so you all know the FORD CAR DEALER SHIP . Well there is a car in there that I love. Everytime that I go to the Ford i just love looking at that car. When I get my driving license I want to get that car. It may sound as if I was obessed with that car but I am not i just think that the car looks cool and look s so cute. Everyone has to agree with me that the car ( Mustang) is a nice car . JUST KIDDING YOU DONT HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME ITS MY OPPION. lol.

My Family (Final)

My family. What can I say ? I love them all to death. Well as you may know not all families get along and other times they do get along. Well my family is just like that. For example, when I go to visit my grandma and cousin my grandma gets mad at me and my sister just because we do not call her. Well I know we do not call her but she does know that I love her and my cousin to death. Family to me is the most important thing in my life no matter what.

My Sister (Final)

Everyone has a sister right ? Well, I have one sister. And boy is that a major headache that i get every day. Wel sisters are not all that bad but sometimes they can get a little annoying. Although, my sister may be a little different. Me and my sister fight a lot but although I really do not tell her I love her i really do. I love her because she will always have my back. What I mean by having my back is that if some one messes with me, she will try to handle the sittuation in a adult way not a childish way. This is why I love my sister with all my heart and no matter how many times I drive her crazy I know she loves me and I love her to.

Going to the Movies to watch Iron Man 2 (Final)

Ok you all know the movie Iron Man 2? Right. Well I hope so, because I am going to tell you how the movie was when I saw it. Ok here I go. LOL. I arrive at the movie theater with my sister, mom, and dad and we go to the Flagship Cinema. Well we get our tickets and then we wait until we go in. So my sister and I get so excited to see it because Iron Man is amazing and super cool. We finally go in and we take our seats. Well at first it wasn't really all that fun because they kept giving previews of the other movies, which was not all that bad, ok so finally it turns 10:00 p.m. and the movie starts. The movie was about Iron Man that he is about to die so he trys to stay a live so he trys having the best time of his life. YAY. but no. Well his assitent does not know this is happening to him but the truth is that she likes him. P.s Dnt tell Iron MAN!! Lol. HAHAHA. Well then there is this evil person that trys to destroy Iron Man. NOO!! Right. yea i know. Well both Iron Man and the evil person start fighting but this time the evil person gots some back up. And Iron Man has his new Partner in Crime. Well guess who wins IRON MAN AND HIS PARTNER IN CRIME. Yay . Well that is a little bit about the movie if you wana know more then just go and watch the movie. Oh yeah I almost forgot Iron Man ends up with the his assistent. Yay . :)

Two Paragraphs how Word,Publisher, and PowerPoint has or will help me (Final)

Well as you may know, I have become a better reasearcher and writer because I have learned a lot about Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint. The things that I have learned about all these different things is that it can help me in my daily life well as you can call it regular academic courses in my future academic years. Microsoft Word has helped me because if I need to write like an essay for school I already know that it can be done and done well. Also, Publisher has helped me a lot because if my teachers ask me to write a bibliography on a person I could accomplish that which makes me get a good grade. Well, also in Publisher I can make brochures and make them look really fancy. In using PowerPoint it is mostly the use of showing some one a presentation about something you got to do or just show them something you like. PowerPoints are fun because you can make them the way you want and the good thing is that it has to be to the Point.

All of these three Microsoft (Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint) have and I think will help me with my future academic goals in Three ways. Ok the first way that Word can help me in my future might be since I know a lot of stuff in word like writing essays and stuff like that, if a teacher ever gives me an assigment in writing an essay or something that has to deal with Microsoft Word I know that I can get the job done. In using Microsoft Publisher I can make brochures and etc. If I ever have or get a project on something dealing with Publisher I know that I can make the best out of the class. Well finally, using Microsoft PowerPoint will help me in the future because I can make different slides. Using PowerPoint can also, help me because if I get a project I can make a Powerpoint and make it to the point but also enteraning.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Computer Class !!

As you all may know I take computer class. Sometimes it could be a little fun but at other times it can be a little bit boring because all we do is use the computers which hurts my wrist. Im not saying that Computer class is all that boring but other times it could be very fun and also funny. It can be very fun in Computer Class because we get to watch movies sometimes and just have fun. Also, we get to learn about different life lesson that can be some what interesting. Its also funny in this class because Our teacher is funny can make every one have a good time.